Monday, September 21, 2009


All week long I have been seeing this:
...And this:
Impressive!! And of course I've been seeing this too:
I find that the more I do this course the faster I receive Tikkitz. I keep meaning to go to Ape Atoll since I do have a shiny 78 Agil now... but... it's just so boring! Plus I'm a monkey... I can't show off my creative outfits. So back to Brim I go! I end up meeting the strangest of people there so it's all good. Plus every time I go back to this course I throw on something different. However, three things are essential- Karamja Gloves 3, Enhanced Excalibur, and Flippers. Without flippers, well, I wouldn't be Full Of Pie!
So on we go! I want to have 80 by the weekend. I'll be here until I hit another 1,000 Tikkitz or level to 80, whichever comes first!


  1. Great blog! I like the pictures! My blog is (with a zero in the w0lf part) and i'll soon start blogging regularly.

  2. Hello, looks like the beginning of a great blog. Welcome to blogging, even though I'm not the most apt to say this, just started myself. :P
