Monday, September 28, 2009

Full Steam Ahead

The day started with this:
I'm so happy! Mostly because I can put the pies away for now and use the much cheaper agil pots to raise me +3 to 85. So, I spirit tree'd on over to the GE where I withdrew 3,000 coal to sell and get the money for some pots. I ended up gattin a nice 600k so I put in an offer for max price on 300 agility pots. They didn't buy. Huh?? Agil pots are one of the most unwanted things in all of Runescape!! So, I took that out and set it to 3-dose instead of 4-dose. Still nothing. o.O I even went as far as putting in an offer for 300 Summer Pies. Those didn't sell either! At max!! Augh!!!

I headed back to the gnome course because I still have 73 Summer Pies and they'll buy soon enough. As I went there 36 of the agil pots went through so I've been using those. It's kind of annoying that once more I need a swig for every lap but I need to save my pies for the Barbarian Extended Course!! If I continue this amazing level-a-day or so I'll have 85 by the end of the week, maybe more!!

After a couple laps though I was getting antsy about my pies and agil pots selling so I killed time at Pest Control. I am like.... inches away from 89 HP and I felt like getting some ranks in Defence and, of course, showing off my Defence cape. LOL! Unfortunately, that was what my computer felt like the perfect time for a virus scan was. I did Pest Control with about a 3 second lag. In my own words, I was "lagging something awful."

While there, I noticed that I was getting hit much harder than usual. I figured it was because my Veracs was at 25 but then again I don't think the bonus changes until it degrades. I nearly forgot to turn auto-retaliate off and remembered Merch Gwyar's words about not killing brawlers. I'd never tried it before... I always killed them to get that 50 damage I needed and then killed spinners and portals. Of course as soon as I told people not to I got called a noob, jerk, whatever. Ugh. I'm reminded why I always played with my public off.

After stumbling through a few games, with my super laggy computer, I saw someone I recognized. Quest cape, teal sleeves, it couldn't be, could it? It was!! :-D Hehe I got to play some games with Merch Gwyar :-) She was there in near full void getting her ranging up so we killed alongside one another until I gave up because of the lag. Hehe we're so alike- we both run to the blue portal first.

I left, hopped worlds, turned in my 32 zeal and got down to about 23k till 89 hp. By then my summer pies finally bought and I was back at agility. Shortly after that, the internet at school quit working… Good thing I notice things like that and copied this into a word document! LOL!

OK now I'm back. Time to really hit the course hard! This is fun!!! (who woulda thunk it... agility, fun???)

Until next time...

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