Thursday, October 15, 2009

Elf Quest Done!!! :D

Today, I got home from school and sat down to do the quest. I decided to sleep in, instead of do it before school, like I knew I would... I actually started it last night but didn't get very far.

I was immediately delayed by a size 6 Lletya star. Haha. I was there scouting as usual and it fell! I didn't get finders though :-(

After that it was time to get it on! I was saddened that I could not wear my Defence cape down there but instead had to wear very un-stylish mourner gear. Oh well, anything to get my cape back! LOL! I killed a mourner under the HQ so I wouldn't have to mess with it. I had my dad, who did the quest yesterday, come give me guidance.

I'm not going to give it all away but I really enjoyed it. I love quests with puzzles, especially safe quests with puzzles! Thanks to my dad I was able to get the charge done in one shot, and was off to the beams. It took quite a while but I prevailed and was off to the spiky room, which I sailed through.Finally I was face to face with the bow that made me range for a day. This part of the quest reminded me tons of Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor... After this it was more running and teleing and then before I knew it I was done!

Hello, Questcape!! Ugh, and goodbye mourner gear!
Now it's time to get 88 Agility! Finally!!

Until next time, this is one happy Quest Sister :-)

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