Saturday, October 3, 2009

Top and Legs- Together At Last!

Dear Top,

I am so glad you found me! It only took you a few hours, unlike Legs who took a few days to find me. I gathered roughly 240k xp in the quest to bring you here and now here you are!
After briefly talking to Gunnjorn, you were finally united with me, and more importantly, Legs.
Finally, Top, you can occupy my top space in worn items and reside there in peace. You already make me look hawt, and quite leet as well! :-D You also have helped me to lose 12 kg. Hehe! Negative weight! I feel like I can take on the world!!!!! The world of Agility that is :-) Now I am 110k until 86 and that will easily be here today! Thanks you Top and warmest welcome to my pixels!

Full Of Pie


  1. Congratulations, Full of Pie! love Merch Gwyar (via a friend who can actually leave comments)

    A congrats from me, too. I don't know much about Rs, except what Merch tells me, but I can definitely relate to the feeling of finally getting long sought-after items. :D Hopefully Merch won't have the issue leaving you comments in the future. She's been trying desperately to get through, and I finally offered to leave her message for you.

  2. How many summer pies did you eat to get the top? Congrats.

  3. Graaaaatz pie!!! =) ummm, ya, thats all i have to say...

  4. Why do I have a feeling that you'll go into pie withdrawal after this is all done?
